RTMaps Synchronizes Sensor Data at KATECH
KATECH is a research institute working on cutting-edge technologies of highly current topics. To be able to push the limits, it needs modern and flexible tools. In the domain of smart and green car technologies, it has decided to use RTMaps (Real-time Multisensor Applications) as a versatile development framework to accelerate its progress.
Systematically Testing Autonomous Vehicles
It’s half time in the renowned Verification Validation Methods (VVM) project. In mid-March, the project partners presented their initial results and methods. Representatives from politics, industry, and academia stressed the importance of the project, stating that autonomous driving can be safe only if reliable validation and verification methods are used. dSPACE contributes its expertise in SIL and HIL simulation for the analysis and evaluation of project requirements, and also provides prototype implementations to demonstrate the methods.
Blog: Ready for the Drives of Tomorrow
Mobility is currently undergoing tremendous change. The consumption of fossil fuels is being considerably reduced and successively replaced by alternative propulsion technology, such as electric drives. Conventional combustion engines that run on gasoline or diesel still exist, but vehicles propelled by batteries, fuel cells, or hybrid drives are becoming an ever more familiar sight on our roads. Each of the above propulsion types places its own demands on development and testing. Learn how dSPACE supports you with its solutions in this blog.
Video: E-Mobility Simulation for your Fleet
Advances in electro mobility include innovations in electric motors, battery systems, fuel cells, power electronics components or charging technologies. The simulation tool suite ASM supports innovators in all these areas from the initial idea through the entire development process.
Blog: Safe and Agile
Functional safety concerns us all, especially when it comes to autonomous vehicles. One step in the right direction is to qualify their development process according to ISO 26262. dSPACE has received certification from TÜV Süd for its SIMPHERA software solution. For more information, read the following blog article
Power HIL Testing for an Onboard Charger
Do you want to make sure that any kind of electrical vehicle can charge at any version of a charging station and/or wall box worldwide? dSPACE emulation systems help you to achieve this: they combine grid and battery emulation of regionally differing power grids and vehicle configurations at full power in one system. The model-based Power HIL approach allows for harmonics and fault insertion by mouse click and thus enables the validation of all operation points in the laboratory.
Video: Model Compare Insights on User Preferences
Watch our new tutorial video to see how you can adapt Model Compare to your individual needs to ensure smooth and efficient usage.
We offer training courses that focus on the use of dSPACE tools for the latest technologies in mechatronic control systems. Find out further information on several trainings offered!

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